"They are going to be unexpected events that no one can bring an explanation for. And there should be Divine Purposes and Wisdoms for those events. And this is a new beginning. A new period for this world, Dunya, is coming now. Months only, all nations are going to carry very heavy burdens. When that finishes, there will be a new opening for the whole world. We are in a tunnel, and until we pass through it, it will get more and more narrow. Then, when Jesus Christ is coming, it will get wider and wider. Only spiritually strong people will pass through this tunnel. Materialist people won't be able to make it, the power of their batteries will be finished. We have hope, we are believers; we know that this is only a bridge from one side to another. Only for a short distance you must pay attention, so that you may pass freely through that valley. Everything depends on belief. Believers should be in safety, worshippers much more, and servants for Allah's Divine Presence should be in full safety. Big events are coming to destroy everything that makes mankind artificial. Technology has made people into artificial beings, and their real identity has left them. Man doesn't know who he is, if he is an animal or an angel. Therefor we are saying that man should run back to nature now, to save himself and to find his real identity. It is now a big obligation for you to ask to come back to your real personality, to find your identity. It is important now for everyone to try daily for some minutes to be with their own selves, to come back to themsellves. This is going to be a foundation for the life of mankind on earth after the year 2000, in the 3'rd millennium. Everyone must know what is his real value as a human being and must follow a new way after the destruction of humanities qualities. If human beings are not reaching in this very short period the special and valuable qualities that were granted to them by their Creator Allah Almighty, they are going to sink down. If they quickly run and find them, they are going to be saved." - Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Al Haqqani
Marke |
Synergia |
9789963401109 |
978-9963-40-110-9 |