A horror/comedy novel whose events revolve around Badriya, a housewife in her fifties, a simple woman who lives an ordinary life in a popular neighborhood. Through a phone call, Badriya is forced to listen to the first sentence of a book that everyone who has heard or read this sentence is unable to complete. The sentence opens for Badriya the gates of a special kind of hell... a hell that she cannot explain, perhaps because she does not realize that it has been lurking inside her from the beginning. Badriya begins to hear a strange voice asking her name.. asking her who she is.. Sometimes she thinks it is her voice, sometimes she answers him with her name, and many times she holds her tongue from answering. She is chased by frightening voices, an eye lurking through the peephole in the door, a hand holding hers in the dark... Her life becomes a series of terrifying events until she almost loses her mind, but the one who prevents her from losing it is her friend, Umm Hanan. Teaser: Badria is a housewife in her fifties, a simple woman who lives an ordinary life in a popular neighborhood. Through a phone call, Badriya is forced to listen to the first sentence of a book that everyone who has heard or read this sentence is unable to complete. Her life turns into a series of terrifying events until she almost loses her mind, but the one who prevents her from losing it is her friend and neighbor, Umm Hanan.