I AM GRÄTER More Self-Confidence, Motivation, & Success with the AnkeR™ Method "Do more of what really makes you really happy!" With his AnkeR™ method, Norman Gräter shows you how to have more self-confidence, motivation, and success. To be a true gamechanger in life, you need to start doing two things: Decide what you want and start changing your thoughts regarding this desire you have. Be enthusiastic about your work and life again. The audiobook by the three-time European champion in public speaking and soon to be Hollywood star is explicitly aimed at entrepreneurs and mid-management executives who have already achieved results in their lives. People who are ready to take a leap out of their comfort zone to achieve their goals. Using many examples and practical tips, Norman Gräter explains how you can turn your visions into reality with only five steps. Are you ready to change your own game today?