Beyond Good andEvil Monitors-neutral outsiders dedicated tomaintaining their views of the universe-reject the battles between the wickedand the righteous and instead war over the underpinnings of reality. Join thecosmic debate with the secrets and esoteric lore found within,including: ►Details on 24 monitor demigods-such as primal inevitables; protean lords;psychopomp ushers; and the mysterious aeon known as Monad, the Condition ofAll-and the divine powers they bestow upon mortalworshippers! ►Rules for the proctor prestige class, along with information about differentmonitor sects, mantras for summoning monitors, and esoteric occult rituals thatharness the power of monitordivinities. ► Abestiary of new monitors and their roles within the universe, includingirresponsible illureshi protean sorcerers, morbai psychopomp masters of healingand poisons, and knowledge-erasing agnoia aeons! Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Concordance ofRivals is intended for use with the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it can beeasily adapted to any fantasy world.
Marke |
Diamond US |
9781640781276 |
978-1-64078-127-6 |