All of life is one glorious and beautiful display of color; so just like the flowers, the birds and the bees, the elephants, the monkeys and the trees, we are all different. We all come in different shapes and colors and sizes, with different faiths and beliefs about many, many things! And even though there is good and bad among us all, we do not need to be afraid of one another just because we look and sound different, have different faiths, or speak different languages; because it is our differences that make up the spice of life. Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, you can use this fun, 'learn to read' book to practice reading skills though word recognition, word repetition and rhyme, increasing your reading vocabulary skills as you think about this very important subject, guided by a host of familiar Dyan characters! You can even try your hand at making a book about something important to you! When you are all finished, you can go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun! And remember that if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn!