People need to love and accept each other just the way they are! You see, we are all different; and our differences and the ways we are different from one another happen to be what makes us stronger as a whole! And if you don't believe this, you can just ask the elephant! Written by the award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this fun, ''learn to read' book is meant to get you thinking as you practice reading skills through the use of word recognition, word repetition and rhyme. Build your reading vocabulary as familiar and fun Dyan characters take you on a journey through this book's pages! Then think about something that is important to you and try your hand at making your very own book with your very own thoughts and ideas filing up the pages! When you are all finished, go to the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel and watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun! And always remember that if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn!