Colón, Panama is a city and a seaport in Panama, next to the Caribbean Sea, near the Atlantic's entrance to the Panama Canal. The capital of Panama's Colón Province, it is commonly known as Panama's 'second city', meaning it happens to be the second largest city in Panama, while Panama City, Panama, is largest city in Panama, as well as its capital. Written by the award winning author attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, with photographs by John D. Weigand, this fun, 'learn to read' book is meant to give a kid a kid's eye view of this seaport city, and to remind a kid about all of the simple joys of traveling and family, hence its title, "Shopping Around! A Kid's Guide To Colón, Panama". When you look through the pages of this book you will see what a kid sees; and if you are a kid, you will improve your reading skills at the same time through Penelope Dyan's clever use of word repetition, word recognition and rhyme. And you will also build your reading word vocabulary list. When you are finished reading, you can watch the free music video that goes with this book on Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel.