This is a fun story based on something that really happened once upon a time! The story is also intended to make you think about what you would or might do in a certain situation if you found a real live bear sitting on top of your car! This book is also intended to make you think about conservation and the fact that sometimes you can simply walk from here to there. But most of all, this book is intended to make you have fun with learning and thinking about things, even if those things seem improbable! Written and illustrated by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this 'learn to read' book is filled with word repetition, word recognition and rhyme, all of which will help you build your reading word vocabulary as a host of fun and familiar Penelope Dyan characters guide you through the pages of this book. It's extra large print is easy on young, developing eyes; and the overall size of this book is a perfect carry along in a kid-sized backpack! When you are finished reading, you can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel and watch the free, fun music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!