We all need to take note and to care about climate change, and we need to remember there really is something we can do to help our world when it comes to climate change. We don't need to have a 'throw away' society; and we need to recycle, and reuse and re-purpose. The bottom line is we do not need to be wasteful! We do not need everything 'right now'. And we should all share with one another. These may seem like small things, but it's the small things that add up and really do matter! And you do not have to be a polar bear to care! Written and illustrated by award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan, this book is meant to get you thinking as you build your reading vocabulary and your reading skills through word recognition, word repetition and rhyme! Most of all, this 'learn to read' book is meant to be fun; because if a kid doesn't have fun learning, a kid won't love to learn! When you are finished reading, you can go to Bellissimavideo's YouTube channel, and you can watch the free music video that goes with this book for even more learning fun!