Social Policy research and respective debates have become over time distinct – as matter of gaining their own frame of reference or the other way round: emerging as some kind of policy ‘modern moral’, without maintaining their genuine and explicit reference to the wider economic and regulative system of society. This surely takes different national shapes but can nevertheless be seen as general developmental trend. Paradoxically this development means at the same time that social policy is most fragile and open to influences from external requirements, demands and perhaps more importantly hegemonic mindsets. In the present research outlook the four most important issues are re-integrated: 1) social policy as part of a general mode of production – as resulting from it but also the search for an answer on it, 2) being as such genuinely also part of the development of the modern state, 3) being on the other side closely linked to the positioning of individuals as socio-economic actors – this will be in particular developed as matter of precarity. 4) The debate of Human Rights begs against this background special attention – and it will be approached by developing a framework for local and also for global conceptual consideration.