In the tourism industry, marketing is a key factor of competitive advantage. It faces fundamental challenges. Most important tourism demand has become very volatile. Seasonality macro-economic development and fashions but also the influence of crises and special events deeply affect tourism demand. Moreover, tourism marketing is cooperative. Different service providers, transport companies or tour operators contribute to tourism marketing. They have to be coordinated. Additionally, from a destination point of view, tourism marketing can be considered as a part of an integrated promotion of places. Marketing has to be open minded for international perspectives too, because very often many local challenges have their roots basically in international developments. This volume offers a fundamental understanding of future marketing challenges in tourism. It provides important and detailed results, solutions and tools for - crises management and tourism marketing after crises - cooperative branding - price management from a customer perspective - adding value through IT solutions - methods to increase marketing efficiency - steps towards an integrated promotion of places. The book of the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST) contributes many strictly proofed insights and solutions for an efficient and effective marketing management in tourism. It presents the central perspectives for modern marketing in the main fields of the tourism industry. The book is written by 44 authors of 14 nations. Therefore readers will obtain the most important internationally results for marketing in the tourism business.