Fractal Structure in 4d Gravity.- A One Dimensional Ideal Gas of Spinons, or Some Exact Results on the XXX Spin Chain with Long Range Interaction.- Kodaira-Spencer Theory of Gravity.- 3d Gravity and Gauge Theories.- On the W-Gravity Spectrum and its G-Structure.- Light-Cone Quantization of Matrix Models at c>1.- Multicritical Points of 2-Matrix Models.- The Super Self-Dual Matreoshka.- The Phenomenology of Strings and Clusters in the 3-d Ising Model.- Conformai Field Theory Techniques in Large N Yang-Mills Theory.- to Differential W-Geometry.- Topological Strings and QCD in Two Dimensions.- Continuum QCD2 in Terms of Discrete Random Surfaces with Local Weights.- Strings and Causality.- Loop Equation and Area Law in Turbulence.- The Two-Dimensional String as a Topological Field Theory.- Linear Systems for 2d Poincaré Supergravities.- Quantization of Mirror Symmetry.- Integrable Qft2 Encoded on Products of Dynkin Diagrams.- Remarks on Topological String Theories.- Hamiltonian Reduction of the BRST Complex and N=2 SUSY.- Lattice Models and N=2 Supersymmetry.- Canonical Construction of Liouville Field Operators with Arbitrary Spin.- Bethe Ansatz for the Bloch Particle in Magnetic Field.
Marke |
Springer |
9780306448867 |
978-0-306-44886-7 |