R. D. Blackmore - Cripps, the Carrier: A Woodland Tale

R. D. Blackmore - Cripps, the Carrier: A Woodland Tale

15,99 €

In "Cripps, the Carrier: A Woodland Tale," R. D. Blackmore weaves a rich narrative that explores themes of rural life, nature, and the interconnectedness of human experience and the environment. Set against the picturesque backdrop of the English countryside, the story follows the titular character, Cripps, a humble carrier who...

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In "Cripps, the Carrier: A Woodland Tale," R. D. Blackmore weaves a rich narrative that explores themes of rural life, nature, and the interconnectedness of human experience and the environment. Set against the picturesque backdrop of the English countryside, the story follows the titular character, Cripps, a humble carrier who embarks on a series of adventures that reveal the depth of his character and the charm of the woodlands. Blackmore's prose is distinguished by its lyrical quality and vivid imagery, encapsulating the beauty of the natural world while also delving into the intricacies of human relationships. This tale stands as a poignant reflection of Victorian values, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and moral integrity amid societal changes. R. D. Blackmore, known for his deeply evocative portrayals of English rural life, was influenced by his own upbringing in Devonshire. His background as a naturalist and a passionate observer of the countryside informs his storytelling, allowing him to imbue his characters with a palpable sense of place and authenticity. "Cripps, the Carrier" showcases Blackmore's masterful ability to blend plot with rich descriptions drawn from his own experiences, making him a significant voice in the literary landscape of his time. For readers seeking a profound connection with nature and an exploration of the human spirit within its folds, "Cripps, the Carrier" is an essential read. This enchanting woodland tale will resonate with those who appreciate the subtleties of rural existence and the wisdom that arises from an intimate understanding of the world around us. Blackmore's work remains timeless, inviting readers into its pages to bask in the warmth of its heartfelt narrative.
Marke Good Press
EAN 9788027295234
ISBN 978-80-272-9523-4


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