A high adventure that immerses Tarzan and his offspring in a herculean-battle for their family's survival. Set in the 1980s, it introduces the great-grandson of Tarzan, Jonathan, a young man struggling to seek his place in an adult world, and unveils the inner workings of Tarzan's massive family wealth--the Greystoke Trust, a London-based financial estate whose global influence reaches into the highest levels of business and government. This nonstop adventure travels from Africa to London to Paris and to Moscow in pursuit of the justice--a bold leap into the late twentieth century that provides intense excitement as chapter after chapter leaves doubt as to the survival of the Greystokes and their legacy. THE WILD ADVENTURES OF EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS In the Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs series, today's authors innovate and expand upon Burroughs' classic tales of wonder in truly wild fashion, even moving his characters and storylines outside the bounds of canon to alternate universes!
Marke |
Oasis Audio |
9781640919730 |
978-1-64091-973-0 |