Forschungsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Chemie - Lebensmittelchemie, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The objective of this study is to determine if the discarded desiccant silica gel can be potential agent in prolonging the shelf life of lakatan banana (Musa acuminata). It seeks to answer the following questions: In which set up will the lakatan banana will prolong its shelf life? Is there a significant difference in the lakatan banana (Musa acuminata) in 2 set-ups after 7 days in terms of the following: pulp to peel ratio, Peel color and Total soluble solid (sugar content)? Shelf life extension is the holy grail for the fruit and vegetable industry. A huge amount of food is wasted as it goes off before it is eaten. Extension of shelf life of fruits and vegetables has several advantages it improves the quality, taste and texture of the food, it reduces food waste and associated. Chemical treatments include usage of hydrogen peroxide, chlorine-based solutions, peroxyacetic acid, organic acids, nitric oxide and Sulphur dioxide to retard browning reactions, inhibit ethylene bio synthesis, reduce respiration rate and water loss and reduce the incidence of post-harvest diseases. But these methods or treatments are too expensive or our farmers and may cause harm to our health. The result of this study is beneficial to our vendors of banana , because the result of this study will give them an idea on to what agent can be use in prolonging the shelf life of banana. The result of this study is also beneficial to consumers to make safe and informed some safe and cheap method which they can used to prolong or extend the shelf life of fruits in their own home.
Marke |
9783346051400 |
978-3-346-05140-0 |