The Children of the Night is a short story written by Robert E. Howard, first published in 1931. The tale is a blend of horror, dark fantasy, and the supernatural, typical of Howard's style. It centers around a group of scholars and intellectuals who gather to discuss ancient history and the occult. One of the central characters, John O'Donnell, finds himself inexplicably drawn to an ancient skull during their conversation. Touching the skull triggers a strange trance, transporting O'Donnell into a past life, where he inhabits the body of Aryara, a warrior from prehistoric times. In this distant age, Aryara battles the "Children of the Night," a race of hideous, monstrous beings. The story moves back and forth between O'Donnell's present and Aryara's brutal past, gradually revealing the deep connection between the two timelines. Howard expertly weaves themes of reincarnation, ancient evils, and primal violence. The story's atmosphere is tense, driven by the interplay between past and present, and the ever-present sense of danger. The Children of the Night reflects Howard's fascination with both history and the supernatural, creating a vivid, eerie narrative that has captivated fans of pulp horror and fantasy for decades.