The early reader children's book follows a young dragon named Ember, who has a hard time reading and writing. By embarking on a magical journey, Ember makes new friends and completes three challenges, each of which help empower her to achieve her goals and teach her valuable lessons about reading, resiliency and perseverance. The book is written for young readers ages 6 to 10 years old. The author wrote the book based on her own experiences to inspire other young students who struggle to read, write and spell like she did. Also available in Spanish as El Rugido De La Lectura: Un Viaje De Aprendizaje Mágico. -- Author Rory Andrlik is an analytical, artistic and bilingual high schooler from Naperville, Illinois. When she's not watching Star Wars or anime, you can find her reading, swimming, drawing, cooking, or playing strategy games with friends and family. Rory is passionate about science and loves approaching all school subjects creatively.