Duel or Duet? ROSA is the artist duo under which the Sabrina Fritsch (b. Neunkirchen/Saar, Germany, 1979; lives and works in Cologne) and Rosilene Luduvico (b. Espirito Santo, Brazil, 1969; lives and works in Düsseldorf) collaborate. This book, their first, invites the reader to explore the “legend of a woman who never existed” (Ingeborg Bachmann). Fritsch’s abstract art is animated by the tensions between a dominant structure, the concrete application of paint, and dispersive layers of color. Luduvico’s work, by contrast, grows out of sweeping lines, floral shapes, and delicate pastel brushstrokes. The encounter between their pictures reinforces the aspect of motion implicit in each, which keeps the beholder’s perception suspended between qualities of color and space and representational elements. Complementing the ostensible focus of the one (narrative and figure) with that of the other (abstraction and color), the combination of ROSA’s works yields a novel and unique viewing experience. With essays by Katharina Klang and Doris Krystof.