Do you know why peacocks fan out their colorful fancy feathers, or how opposums hang upside-down from trees? Whether to seek attention, keep their balance, or move from place to place, animals have tails for a lot of different reasons. Discover flat tails, curly tails, strong tails, and colorful tails of all kinds in this National Geographic Kids Co-reader. Learn all about why animals--from monkeys to opposums to ring-tailed lemurs--have tails and how they use them. National Geographic Kids readers have been a hit in the beginning reader category, and this book builds upon that success with a new approach--parents and children reading together. With the same combination of careful text, brilliant photographs, and fun approach to high-interest subjects that has proved to be a winning formula with kids, National Geographic co-readers provide one page of adult read-aloud text and one page of kid read-aloud text on each spread, building toward a collaborative reading experience.