A plush toy based on the hit PBS KIDS(R) animated pre-school series, Rosie's Rules. The show has been created by two-time Emmy-award winner, Jennifer Hamburg. Meet Rosie Fuentes--an inquisitive, adventurous, bilingual 5-year old girl ready to discover the world beyond her family walls. Rosie's plushie will be every child's new supertastical amiga. Take her with you on adventures and explorations and together, you'll discover it all (and create some new rules along the way, of course)! - A wow-mazing gift for all Rosie's Rules fans and for any little looking for a cuddly new friend. - The Rosie plush is made out of soft and squishy material, making her the perfect, huggable friend for every child. - Comes in a sturdy box that can also be used for playtime. Use it as her house or her bed! - The plush's generous size makes it great for make-believe play. - This adorable plush toy is great to pair with Rosie's board book, "Meet Rosie Fuentes Conoce a Rosie Fuentes".