Rudolf Malter - Arthur Schopenhauer

Rudolf Malter - Arthur Schopenhauer

166,60 €

In the framework of modern philosophy, Schopenhauer‹s thinking represents one of the most significant attempts to deal with the human experience of suffering and of overcoming this in the medium of abstract reflection. In this reflection, transcendental philosophy and the metaphysics of the will are combined in an interesting interaction....

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In the framework of modern philosophy, Schopenhauer‹s thinking represents one of the most significant attempts to deal with the human experience of suffering and of overcoming this in the medium of abstract reflection. In this reflection, transcendental philosophy and the metaphysics of the will are combined in an interesting interaction. From an interpretative perspective, this study follows the style of Schopenhauer‹s thinking, and endeavors in addition to show the problem content and the potential updating of this thinking. It is precisely in examining the ruptures in the structure of the arguments in Schopenhauer‹s reflections that one discovers those points at which a thinking can begin for which the experience of suffering is the main motive which drives us toward philosophy.
Marke Frommann-holzboog
EAN 9783772809910
ISBN 978-3-7728-0991-0


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