"In what Joseph Campbell might call "A Heroine's Journey," Sara Avant Stover views each woman's life as a pilgrimage from girlhood to womanhood to self-realization and cronehood. Drawing on archetypes including Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary, and mermaids, Stover guides women to a powerful new understanding of and appreciation for every aspect of femininity. For example, she counters a culture that calls monthly cycles a "curse" with a reminder of the earth's cycles, women's connection to them, and the unique procreative power they hold. From motherhood and menopause to the creativity and even alchemy of age, Stover spells out a provocative, gutsy, and empowering answer to the questions many societal forces answer with botox and denial. Her practices instead help women embrace, no, make that revel in their unique vitality, divinity, and joy - including the wrinkles that may accompany wisdom"--