Why I made this book… The aim of this book is to give a broad public a different view of the female genitals (the vagina, the yoni). This should be outside of pornographic, medical, religious, power-related or humiliating representations. This is done by means of photographs, photomontages, creative and artistic inclusion of images of nature and painting, as well as other graphic means. It should show the beauty, diversity and uniqueness of the yoni. The magnificence of creation and respect for the miracle “life” are the background of this book. This book project wants to support women in their processes of self-discovery and self-knowledge. We invite men to look closely with a respectful and open mind and, through the way it is presented, to take advantage of the opportunity to look at it in a value-free and curious way. Here lies the chance to direct their gaze purposefully and calmly. This can create the space to look at this legendary, hidden part of the female body, the yoni, with different eyes and thus escape the social tendency towards secrecy, perversity and stupefaction. Children and young people should also have the opportunity to see and understand through these images. The point is not to be sent into the same old battle of the sexes as so many generations before. In this way, feelings of guilt can dissolve, which arise from ignorance and taboos during lonely attempts at self-exploration.