The present work focuses on the development of hydrodynamically balanced delivery system of Aceclofenac as a single-unit floating Tablet. Floating effervescent tablets were formulated by various materials like. HPMC, K4M, K 15M, psyllium husk, swelling agent as crospovidone and micro crystalline cellulose and gas generating agent like sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. Floating non effervescent tablets were prepared by polypropylene foam powder and different matrix forming polymers. The prepared floating tablets were evaluated for various Parameter. The formulation was optimized on the basis of in vitro buoyancy and in vitro release By fitting the data into different models, we concluded that the mechanism of release of Aceclofenac from the floating tablet was anomalous diffusion transport and follows zero order kinetics, Stability studies revealed that formulations were stable when stored at different temperatures and the values were within permissible limits. X ray imaging studies results showed that tablet was float more than 8 h in gastric region of the Albino rabbits.