Silke Heimes - Schreib dich gesund

Silke Heimes - Schreib dich gesund

15,50 €

Every sick person, whether mentally or physically impaired, can become active and help themselves to heal through writing. This volume provides 170 corresponding exercises for 16 different syndromes. Whether one suffers from an anxiety disorder, depression, an eating disorder or posttraumatic stress syndrome; whether plagued by cardiovascular diseases, allergies, cancer...

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Every sick person, whether mentally or physically impaired, can become active and help themselves to heal through writing. This volume provides 170 corresponding exercises for 16 different syndromes. Whether one suffers from an anxiety disorder, depression, an eating disorder or posttraumatic stress syndrome; whether plagued by cardiovascular diseases, allergies, cancer or skin disorders: Anyone and everyone can use creative and therapeutic writing as a means of coping with disease. Persons afflicted learn how to deal constructively with their symptoms and how to actively participate in the healing process. The road to health has no better path than that of writing as a means of self-discovery.
Marke Vandenhoeck + Ruprecht
EAN 9783525404584
ISBN 978-3-525-40458-4


65,95 €

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