In Basher Science: Extreme Biology, artistic designer Simon Basher and writer Dan Green join neurophysiologist Dr. Mark Lythgoe to put modern biology under a microscope in this fun and fact-filled illustrated book for middle grade readers. Learn about the amazing research that is revolutionizing biology, from advances in medicine to genetic engineering. Meet the world's toughest bacterium and a biologically immortal flatworm whilst learning about epigenetics, superbugs, nanomedicine and cloning. Extreme Biology is a compelling guide to developments at the very forefront of science-a must-read for anyone wishing to understand, and engage with, modern biology. From Superbugs to Clones...Get to the Edge of Science with such topics as: . Hardcore Herd: Water bear, Conan the Bacterium, Planarian flatworm, Superbug (antibiotic-resistant microbes), Aliens . Gene Genies: Gene (including DNA, RNA, Nucleotides), Gene expression, Protein, Prion, Genome, Epigenetics . BioHacker Crew: Gene splicing, Recombinant DNA, Recombinant protein, Polymerase chain reaction, Genetically modified organism, Cloning, Gene machine, Shmeat (including tissue culture), Designer baby, Synthetic life, Biosafety (including bioethics) . Bioscience Buddies/Drug Dudes: Nanomedicine, Monoclonal antibodies, Broad spectrum antiviral, Pharming (the use of genetic engineering to grow drugs), Biosensors . Medical Mavericks: Face transplant, Regenerative medicine, Gene therapy (including DNA vaccine), Functional MRI