"What does it mean to be an academic in today's rapidly changing world? The new academic must not only be outstanding in their chosen field, but they must also be able to write knock-out articles, speak with flair and wit, and share their knowledge with their huge social media following...But how do you do all of that? In The New Academic, Simon Clews offers a wealth of practical advice on how to write and speak in an entertaining, informative, and-above all-accessible way. Aimed at researchers at all levels of experience, this book will teach readers how to communicate their research to general audiences, develop a public profile, gain traction online, and establish themselves as experts in their chosen fields-starting with a simple letter to the editor and then moving through writing for newspapers and magazines, developing book proposals, booking radio and TV interviews, and even appearing on podcasts. This book will teach academics how to be front and center in public debate so we can all benefit from their knowledge and make informed decisions about the things that matter. Energetic, lively, and constructive, this is your hands-on guidebook to excelling in academia"--