A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for selected works by Heinrich Boll, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1972. Titles in this study guide include Like A Bad Dream, And There Was The Evening And The Morning, The Balek Scales, The Death of Elsa Baskoleit, The Thrower-Away, Murke's Collected Silences, Action Will Be Taken, This Is Tibten, My Uncle Fred, Group Portrait With Lady, The Clown, Billiards At Half-Past Nine, and Tomorrow and Yesterday. As an author of the twenty first-century, Boll's short stories gained him a reputation as one of the "most respected voices on political and social issues in Germany" at the time. Moreover, his writings incorporate villains based on authority figures such as businessmen, politicians, and church leaders. This Bright Notes Study Guide explores the context and history of Heinrich Boll's classic work, helping students to thoroughly explore the reasons they have stood the literary test of time. Each Bright Notes Study Guide contains: - Introductions to the Author and the Work - Character Summaries - Plot Guides - Section and Chapter Overviews - Test Essay and Study Q&As The Bright Notes Study Guide series offers an in-depth tour of more than 275 classic works of literature, exploring characters, critical commentary, historical background, plots, and themes. This set of study guides encourages readers to dig deeper in their understanding by including essay questions and answers as well as topics for further research.
Marke |
Dexterity |
9781645424321 |
978-1-64542-432-1 |