Kurztext The monograph presents the diversity of methodological learning systems (MLS) in the traditional knowledge-centered education paradigm. The author shows the lack of research into the justification and development of specific methodological teaching systems in student-centered education. MCO is a holistic model of pedagogical activity, serves as a guiding framework for optimizing the educational process, technology which is set by the selection of content, methods, forms and means of learning, the establishment of connections between them in accordance with the chosen goal. The structure of MES is determined in accordance with the principle of functional completeness, its purpose through a set of interrelated components, characterizing in the most general form, actually pedagogical activity: learning goal, content, methods, tools, forms of learning and knowledge control. Construction of MSO in the conditions of personality-centered approach is based on the principles: functional completeness; equivalence; individualization, modularization; information saturation; accessibility. An example of the implementation of such a methodological system is shown.