The word processor has become an integral tool forthe many people who rely on computers on a dailybasis. As such it has a wide and varied user base andmust cater for a very diverse user group. Due to theheavy reliance on the word processor it is essentialthat it delivers pleasurable and efficientinteraction to its users. This book focuses onfurthering the improvement of the word processorusability. Specifically, it concentrates on theimpact of graphics, text and language on theusability of a word processor. Through comparativeuser testing, using the medium of a scaled-down wordprocessor application which can accommodateinterchangeable interfaces and easy administration ofpreset tasks, these facets are tested and a number ofrecommendations concerning the usability of a wordprocessor are proposed based on both statisticalanalysis and observation of user interaction. Theinformative text should be useful to Human-ComputerInteraction specialists or anyone interested in theimpact of language and icons on the use of softwareapplications.
Marke |
9783639172683 |
978-3-639-17268-3 |