The Pass the Civil Professional Engineering (P.E.) Exam Guide Book was developed because practice is the most essential component to passing the Civil Professional Engineering (P.E.) Exam. Training with materials similar in format, timing, language, and style will help to master the exam when it counts the most. The passthecivilPE Guide Book provides necessary information in the form of a combined practice exam and study guide that will deliver utmost confidence for the passing the Civil Professional Engineering (P.E.) Exam. The passthecivilPE Guide Book effectively presents several breadth exam problems and solutions you MUST know about the Civil Professional Engineering (P.E.) exam in an organized, extremely concise, and easy-to-digest manner. This not only helps you eliminate being overwhelmed, but also helps you effectively study and learn typical information you need to pass the exam. Simply put, it's created to provide the most effective and efficient resource for preparing for the exam. Provide yourself with a great exam resource to use for preparation that is much less stressful and much more effective. Have a guide that can be used during the exam to help to tackle typical problems efficiently - and ultimately pass the Civil Professional Engineering (P.E.) Exam ONCE AND FOR ALL!!