The author is looking for an interpretation of Plato which is enduring in view of Plato‹s critique of writing in ‹Phaedrus‹. Denigrating Plato‹s own denigration of writing or wanting to change it into its opposite, as is still being attempted, is not the way to understanding Plato as an author. Only if we take his assessment of the correct ratio between written and oral philosophizing seriously can we reach an adequate understanding of the technique and aims of the dialogues. Against all modern prejudices and opposition, today‹s reader has to accept Plato‹s perspective. In a first step, the author provides a survey of the formal characteristics of the dialogues and a description of their dramatic technique with their constants and variables of character portrayals and plot. The framework he establishes is then applied to the image of the philosopher or dialectician and to Platons concept of imparting philosophical knowledge.