INEPT began life as an extension of early 2D 1H-13C correlation experiments1,2. These showed surprisingly good sensitivity, because of the twin advantages of polarization transfer from the higher ???protons and the shorter proton T1. It was then an obvious step to crystallise these advantages in a 1D experiment by removing the evolution period and adding refocusing pulses to make the technique broadband3. Two different experiments were performed, one generating antiphase peaks and the other refocused to allow the measurement of decoupled spectra, but only the first of these was published at the time3, the refocused experiment being developed independently by Burum and Ernst4. One of the first applications of INEPT was, at the suggestion of Howard Hill, to enhance 15N signals5, but the method was rapidly extended to multiplicity determination and to incorporation as a building block in ever more complex sequences for protein structure determination. New uses continue to appear, including applications in high resolution solid state NMR and quantum computing. The early history of the INEPT