Nicht 13, sondern 17 Horror-Kurzgeschichten erwarten Sie in diesem Buch. Es ist in etwas größerer Schrift geschrieben, falls die Lesebrille nicht zur Hand ist. Die Idee dieser Buchreihe ist es, die deutsche Fassung auf der linken Seite und die englische Übersetzung auf der rechten Seite zu drucken. Not 13, but 17 horror short stories await you in this book. It is written in slightly larger font if the reading glasses are not at hand. The idea of this book series is to print the German version on the left side and the English translation on the right side. About the writing team: Renate Sueltz writes children's books, poetry, cookbooks, short novels and short stories. Renate Sueltz was among others. employed in an advertising agency. There she was responsible for poster designs, as well as web design. She also worked in nursing and was trained here. She was responsible for patient care and support, as well as team organization and leadership. Uwe H. Sueltz managed u.a. a doctor's office and headed an orthodontic lab. He has also worked freelance for a TV station (accreditation). His journalistic contributions included the following topics: - Art and culture - Car & Traffic - Sports & Entertainment - Nature & Travel - Science and research - Politics & Current Affairs - Business & Management