Verlag 00364 - Black Stories 1: englische Ausgabe

Verlag 00364 - Black Stories 1: englische Ausgabe

10,69 €

50 creepy mysteries 50 black stories, 31 crimes, 49 dead bodies, 11 murderers, 12 suicides and a deadly meal. How could all this happen? black stories are tricky, morbid, sinister riddlestories. Solve the riddles! Reconstruct the particulars of each incident, piece by piece, by asking questions, guessing, or puzzling over...

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50 creepy mysteries 50 black stories, 31 crimes, 49 dead bodies, 11 murderers, 12 suicides and a deadly meal. How could all this happen? black stories are tricky, morbid, sinister riddlestories. Solve the riddles! Reconstruct the particulars of each incident, piece by piece, by asking questions, guessing, or puzzling over the evidence - on your own or with friends. It's a spinechilling but fun guessing game that no party should be without - and one that will no doubt soon have you under its spell. Verlag GmbH als kleiner Kinderbuchverlag. Im Laufe der Jahre entwickelte moses. Ihre Klassiker: Die Becherlupe, die rabenschwarzen "black stories" sowie ihren umfangreichen Produktkatalog
Marke moses
EAN 9783897773646
ISBN 978-3-89777-364-6


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