This work seeks do develop an alternative theoretical framework within the international relations theorizing that would be better equipped to deal with the specific character of global environmental issues than the mainstream positivist International Relations Theory is. The discussed framework draws heavily on Andrew Feenberg s two-level critique of instrumental reason and it brings in some insights from Social Constructivist Studies in Science and Technology and Green Political Theory. As such it has an ambition to broaden the array of existing concepts and tools of International Political Theory. The book first discusses the concept of instrumental reason, what is followed by an outline of the theoretical framework itself. Next, a brief overview of the current international climate architecture is given, what serves as an introduction to the last-empirical part-of the work, which analyzes Kyoto s Clean Development Mechanism and its possible future design in the light of the proposed framework. The work may be interesting especially for political theorists interested in normative reflections on social and man-nature relationships.
Marke |
9783639117974 |
978-3-639-11797-4 |