The diffusion process is perhaps one of the most widely researched and documented social phenomena. A number of researches have been conducted in the field of diffusion and adoption providing invaluable knowledge base regarding the processes and factors that directly or indirectly affect them. In India diffusion research begun from early sixties, with a number of significant contributions from early researchers. The diffusion research rapidly shot up between 1965 and 1975. The motivation behind these efforts had been to formulate better, more rigorous theoretical models that will explain and predict the pattern of real world which may be used by policy makers at various levels, in order to test alternative strategies for increasing rate of diffusion of improved practices. Different statistical methods and research techniques such as descriptive analysis, correlation, regression and path analysis have been used by earlier researchers. However, only few studies have utilized simulation technique in India because of the late introduction of the computers. This book deals with the early attempt made by the authors in simulating technology adoption process and its applications.