Peter Heisterkamp, whose artist’s name goes back to the mafioso Frank “Blinky” Palermo, is known for his large fabric and metal pictures as well as his objects and installations. Less well known, yet no less interesting, are the works he created in editions: screen prints and offset prints, lithographs, objects, and a template for painting. In their entirety, these works not only reflect Palermo's development from the 1960s to his early death in 1977, but also show how the artist deliberately expanded his work with the possibilities of technical reproduction. Thanks to a donation from the Cologne collector Ulrich Reininghaus, in 2018 a complete set of Palermo’s editions became part of the Museum Ludwig’s collection. After having been subject to an in-depth scholarly research, they will now be presented in an exhibition for the first time. The exhibition catalogue also includes an updated version of Fred Jahn's out-of-print catalogue raisonné from 1983. Text: Yilmaz Dziewior, Julia Friedrich, Susanne Küper, Fred Jahn