Guido Houben Rusche Tim M. - Leadership as a Vocation

40,10 €

Guido Houben Rusche Tim M. - Leadership as...

ASEAN and the EU in the International Environment

41,20 €

ASEAN and the EU in the International Environment

Jürgen Schwarze - The Birth of a European Constitutional Order

73,00 €

Jürgen Schwarze - The Birth of a European...

Erik Amnå - New Forms of Citizen Participation

29,90 €

Erik Amnå - New Forms of Citizen Participation

Roland Bieber Karel de Gucht Koen Lenaerts - Au nom des peuples européens - in the name of the peoples of Europe

70,00 €

Roland Bieber Karel de Gucht Koen Lenaerts -...

Louis Perron - How to overcome the power of incumbency in election campaigns

40,10 €

Louis Perron - How to overcome the power...

Sébastien Vitali - La protection internationale des indications géographiques

35,00 €

Sébastien Vitali - La protection internationale des indications...

Kai Kirchesch - The Influence of Financial Risks on the Investment Decision of Enterprises

45,30 €

Kai Kirchesch - The Influence of Financial Risks...

Paolo Foradori Simona Piattoni Riccardo Scartezzini - European Citizenship: Theories, Arenas, Levels

40,10 €

Paolo Foradori Simona Piattoni Riccardo Scartezzini - European...

Sami Faltas Joseph DiChiaro - Managing the Remnants of War

37,10 €

Sami Faltas Joseph DiChiaro - Managing the Remnants...

Cornelis Theunis van der Lugt - State sovereignty or ecological sovereignty?

67,90 €

Cornelis Theunis van der Lugt - State sovereignty...

José R. Carrecedo - Political Philosophy / Filosofía política

45,30 €

José R. Carrecedo - Political Philosophy / Filosofía...

The Unification of International Commercial Law

41,20 €

The Unification of International Commercial Law

Mike Friedrichsen Astrid Kurad Oliver Ohlemacher David Christopher Stahl - Comparative Media Economic Research

19,60 €

Mike Friedrichsen Astrid Kurad Oliver Ohlemacher David Christopher...

Franz Thedieck - Foundations of Administrative Culture in Europe

40,10 €

Franz Thedieck - Foundations of Administrative Culture in...

Mark D. Cole Jenny Weinand - Audiovisual Media Services Directive

257,10 €

Mark D. Cole Jenny Weinand - Audiovisual Media...

Hermann Geiger - The Comparative Law and Economics of Reinsurance

30,90 €

Hermann Geiger - The Comparative Law and Economics...

Yves G. Herve - Intergovernmental Transfers as a Macroeconomic Success Story of European Integration: Myth or Reality?

51,50 €

Yves G. Herve - Intergovernmental Transfers as a...

Soft Factors in Spatial Dynamics

27,90 €

Soft Factors in Spatial Dynamics

Bernard Barber Uta Gerhardt - Agenda for Sociology

46,30 €

Bernard Barber Uta Gerhardt - Agenda for Sociology



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