Probabilistic Reasoning and Decision Making in Sensory-Motor

Probabilistic Reasoning and Decision Making in Sensory-Motor

132,99 €

Probabilistic Reasoning and Decision Making in Sensory-Motor Systems by Pierre Bessiere, Christian Laugier and Roland Siegwart provides a unique collection of a sizable segment of the cognitive systems research community in Europe. It reports on contributions from leading academic institutions brought together within the European projects Bayesian Inspired Brain and...

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Probabilistic Reasoning and Decision Making in Sensory-Motor Systems by Pierre Bessiere, Christian Laugier and Roland Siegwart provides a unique collection of a sizable segment of the cognitive systems research community in Europe. It reports on contributions from leading academic institutions brought together within the European projects Bayesian Inspired Brain and Artifact (BIBA) and Bayesian Approach to Cognitive Systems (BACS). This fourteen-chapter volume covers important research along two main lines: new probabilistic models and algorithms for perception and action, new probabilistic methodology and techniques for artefact conception and development. The work addresses key issues concerned with Bayesian programming, navigation, filtering, modelling and mapping, with applications in a number of different contexts.
Marke Springer Berlin
EAN 9783642097843
ISBN 978-3-642-09784-3


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